About Us

REC was formed with the philosophy that anyone should have the opportunity to learn and to teach first aid

Anyone should have the opportunity to learn first aid

REC has a wide range of courses available to meet clients’ needs, whether in an outdoor environment or within a workplace. The courses are delivered in a modular and structured programme which allows the courses to be easily adapted to suit individual needs.

Our Vision


"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

REC believes that access to first aid and trainer training should be inclusive and ensures that individuals from all walks of life can take the opportunity to train or be trained in first aid. REC specialises in training the trainer so that organisations can fulfil their own training needs. The courses are practical and innovative which brings a fresh dimension to learning first aid. 

The Emergency Care Awards Scheme provides training specific to the Outdoor, Expedition and Wilderness First Aid training to those who work and play in these often challenging environments. Rescue and Emergency Care, and its associated network of highly qualified instructors are outdoor first aid, expedition and wilderness first aid experts. Emergency Care is a crucial life-saving skill. It is particularly important that people are confident and skilled in outdoor first aid when working or playing in remote locations where help can take time to arrive. We believe that the best way to gain these skills is through hands-on, practical outdoor first aid training, which is enjoyable and leaves people with the knowledge and confidence to know what to do in an emergency.

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